Finally: The regular recovery period is going to be three years again!
The majority of import declarations are not immediately checked by Customs. On the contrary, Customs usually checks import declarations afterwards. This means that Customs usually issues an additional assessment, or an 'invitation to pay', mostly after a few months or years. However, Customs cannot recover unlimitedly. According to the Union Customs Code, the standard period for post-clearance recovery is three years, and under certain circumstances a recovery period over five years is possible.
Anti-dumping duties: retroactive application and suspended verification
You are a happy person! You have imported goods from Indonesia at a great price. You are very pleased with how the import process went, as you only had to pay import duties and there were no anti-dumping duties applicable. This would have been different if the goods had come from China, as anti-dumping duties would have been applicable applied. However, since the same goods came from Indonesia, you have no problem. Nevertheless, you are walking on thin ice, as evidenced by the case law of the Court of Justice. An anti-dumping duty can be applied retroactively. Additionally, a customs agent faces extra risks with a declaration for goods that may be subject to an anti-dumping duty if it receives the status of 'suspended verification'.
Anti-dumping duties: not always a foregone conclusion!
In certain cases, Customs imposes anti-dumping duties. These duties are designed to counteract the practice of selling products on the European market at a (too) low price. Such anti-dumping duties are established at the request of the European market, and a comprehensive procedure must be followed before the duty can be imposed. In recent years, the Court of Justice has ruled on several occasions that regulations imposing anti-dumping duties were invalid. This means that the anti-dumping duty was – retrospectively – not owed. In such cases, you must make sure to file a timely objection or request a refund.