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Many customs declarations are submitted every day. They can be submitted per transaction or periodically. The customs authorities have various systems for submitting customs declarations and are updated periodically such as AGS and DECO.
The AGS system is used for several declarations, such as import and export declarations. In the near future AGS will be replaced by DMS (Customs Declaration Management System). This change has an enormous impact on several types of declarations. In particular it will affect the automated periodic declaration (GPA) and the written periodic declaration (SPA).
A simplified declaration system exists for e-commerce shipments. These e-commerce declarations have to be submitted via DECO.
You canfile declarations yourself, but you can also use a representative. Read more about this on our website.
Customs declarations contain a lot of data. The commodity code, value and origin of the goods, the quantities and weights, all these aspects are important elements in the declaration. If you are a forwarding agent and submit declarations on behalf of a principal, you will receive (part of) the data from your principal. If you file declarations in your own name and for your own account, you will also have certain data at your disposal. Who is responsible for the data? What happens if the data is incorrect?
We strongly advise you to make sure that you have the correct data available. Record whether you or your principal keeps the data.