
Along with classification, the origin of a product determines the applicable customs duty rate. But when is a product considered to originate from a specific country? Is a simple processing step sufficient? Often, it is not! Depending on the country of origin or destination, specific and complex rules apply. We are happy to guide you through this maze of regulations to help determine the correct origin.

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Origin and provenance

The words ‘provenance’ and ‘origin’ of goods are often used interchangeably in the English language. Although, the two words have different meanings for customs matters.  The ‘provenance’ of goods relate to the customs status of the goods. Can the goods be qualified as Union goods (goods that are produced in the EU, or that have already been imported from a non-EU country) or non-Union goods (goods from non-EU countries)? The ‘origin’ of a product refers to where a product was initially manufactured, produced or grown.

The origin of goods is relevant for various measures. A low customs duty – or rate – is familiar to almost everyone. For example, goods from Bangladesh are taxed with a lower customs duty than goods from China. Besides the list of countries with more favourable import rates, other scenarios exist which lead to lower or zero import duty rate. Consider trade policy measures such as anti-dumping duties, import restrictions or measures under the Common Agricultural Policy. Furthermore, political measures can play a role, for example in case of a trade boycott.

Preferential and non-preferential origin

When determining the origin of a product, a distinction needs to be made between preferential and non-preferential rules of origin. The preferential rules of origin determine whether goods fall within the scope of free trade agreements, which could lead to lower or zero customs duties or unilateral preferential measures.

In almost all cases, the preferential origin criteria are more strict than the non-preferential. That is, when a product that is originating in the sense of a preferential arrangement normally so in the sense of a non-preferential arrangement. Conversely, the non-preferential origin of a product is no guarantee of its origin in the preferential sense.

Certificate of origin

A certificate of preferential origin proofs that the goods met the conditions and subsequently allows to benefit from reduced or zero customs duties rates on importation. In order to establish that a lower customs rate can be granted, the declarant must provide proof in the form of a certificate of origin. A proof of origin is issued only when the goods in question meet the established origin criteria. However, origin is a sub-area of customs law where quite a lot can go wrong. In many cases certificates are issued incorrectly with all the possible (financial) consequences such as additional assessments on customs duties and/or fines.

Our experts are happy to advise you.



Risks associated with anti-dumping duties

Customs duties, anti-dumping duties, and other levies are not only fiscal measures but also political measures. Various preferential measures that apply to certain countries are agreed upon in a trade agreement or unilaterally established by the European Union. Additionally, there are non-preferential measures. These measures, for example, prevent the dumping of certain products like bicycles or steel. Each time, it is crucial to determine exactly what the country of origin is. In other words, the non-preferential origin must be established.

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