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In certain cases, a reduced tariff rate may apply to imported goods. This is the case when the goods originate from a country with which the EU has a trade agreement. It is also possible for imports from certain less developed countries. The importer must, however, demonstrate the preferential origin of the goods through an origin certificate. The supplier requests the origin certificate from the competent authority in the goods' country of origin. The supplier then provides the origin certificate to the importer, who can use it to demonstrate preferential origin. This is common in traditional trade.
In e-commerce, however, it is almost never the case that a preferential or reduced tariff rate is claimed. This is usually not possible because there is often no direct contact between the actual producer or supplier and the buyer. All (digital) correspondence takes place via the website or platform where the goods were purchased. As a result, it is rare for an origin certificate to be available that applies specifically to an individual shipment.
Another reason why preferential origin is almost never claimed is related to the fact that many goods originate from China. For the import of goods originating from China, no preferential tariff applies, even in traditional trade.