
Value and quantity of a customs authorisation

If you want to use the customs procedures inward processing, end-use, temporary admission, outward processing and customs warehousing, you need a customs authorisation. In the application for a customs authorisation, you have state the goods concerned with the corresponding value and quantity per month.

AEO and monitoring: Risk or opportunity

Your company may have had an AEO (Authorised Economic Operator) authorisation for several years now. In that case, you have already had one or more external audits by Customs. In order to successfully pass such an audit, you must be able to demonstrate to the customs auditors that you are 'in control'. To this end, you must monitor the processes to which AEO applies. Monitoring is an intensive activity and is seen by many companies as a necessary evil. Entrepreneurs are busy with doing business. In addition, "customs", let alone AEO and monitoring, is often not the "core business". However, if you understand the idea of AEO, then it is logical to want to actually comply with the AEO monitoring requirements. In this article, I will discuss the opportunities that AEO monitoring offers your company.

Risks associated with anti-dumping duties

Customs duties, anti-dumping duties, and other levies are not only fiscal measures but also political measures. Various preferential measures that apply to certain countries are agreed upon in a trade agreement or unilaterally established by the European Union. Additionally, there are non-preferential measures. These measures, for example, prevent the dumping of certain products like bicycles or steel. Each time, it is crucial to determine exactly what the country of origin is. In other words, the non-preferential origin must be established.

Determining customs value: Which transaction?

The customs value is necessary for calculating the amount of customs duties. To calculate the customs value, it is important to determine which valuation method should be used. In addition, it is necessary to determine which transaction can serve as the basis for determining the customs value. We have developed a 5-step plan for this purpose.

Consider checking a free trade agreement!

You are always looking for opportunities to achieve the most efficient customs logistics possible, while also minimizing customs duties. There are various options available for this, such as the use of customs procedures like inward processing, customs warehousing, or outward processing. However, the opportunities of a (upcoming) Free Trade Agreement (FTA) are often overlooked.

Customs warehouse: the benefits and obligations

In a customs warehouse, non-EU goods are stored under suspension of import duties and VAT. For the Netherlands, as a transit country, this suspension procedure is an enormous advantage. For example, goods can be transported in one consignment to the (air)port, stored in a customs warehouse and then transported to different countries of destination. This prevents double import duties and VAT. This facility also means obligations. This contribution highlights the advantages and obligations of a customs warehouse.