Article master file

In customs formalities, using the correct commodity code is essential. This code determines the amount of customs duty due, whether a tariff preference (reduced rate) applies and which formalities are required. For instance, an im- or export authorisation might be required or worse the goods are banned due to sanctions. However, determining the correct commodity code, is not always a simple task.

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In customs formalities, using the correct commodity code is essential. This code determines the amount of customs duty due, whether a tariff preference (reduced rate) applies, and which formalities are required. For instance, an import or export license or even an import ban might be necessary. Determining the correct commodity code, however, is not always straightforward.

Determining the correct commodity code can be challenging, especially when dealing with a wide variety of goods that are regularly imported. To ensure consistent use of the correct, up-to-date commodity code, it is advisable to maintain an article master file—a database that includes all goods along with their corresponding commodity codes.

Creating and using an article master file comes with its pitfalls. We can guide you on the necessary information for an article master file, how to set it up, and—more importantly—how to maintain control over it to ensure it remains accurate and up to date.

In daily customs practices, declarants often rely on what might be referred to as an article master file. This is typically a list of goods to be declared, updated over time with new items (and codes).

Sometimes this list exists as an Excel file, but it is often merely a collection of (paper) notes manually supplemented over time. At some point, these lists are replaced by new ones, with the updated goods simply "added on". In short, this does not constitute an article master file but rather a list containing a limited set of item numbers linked to commodity codes.

To convert such a list into an article master file, additional information about the relevant goods is required. What should you consider in this regard?

The easiest approach is to begin with the standard information necessary for classifying goods within the nomenclature. Consider, for example, the general name of the item: how is it commonly referred to in daily use?


A specific rubber car tire for passenger vehicles has the item number AB 19/245/Z. While this number may be clear to those handling it daily, a third party—such as customs or a logistics provider—would not understand what it means.

Including an additional column stating that this is an outer rubber tire for passenger vehicles provides significant clarity. Referring to a catalog can also be helpful. If no catalog is available, but if a webshop or website lists the goods, you could refer to that instead.

Practical tips

1. Product description

To ensure proper classification, establish criteria for classification in advance.

Based on these criteria, the person entering the product descriptions into the article master file (or a warehouse management system should provide the correct, tariff-specific descriptions with sufficient detail. Periodically verify whether the goods are described specifically enough and whether specifications have changed in the interim (e.g., a new processor or other component).

2. Provide the right information

Ensure that users of the article master file have the necessary information to populate and utilize it effectively. Does the information originate from the system or the customs declaration? Is additional input required from external parties? Avoid relying solely on “google searches”, and ensure you have “contact details” for the client or producer.

3. Structure of the article master file

Ensure that the article master file has a clear and consistent structure. Goods should be described in sufficient detail, and consistent terminology should be used. Changes to the article master file should be visible and accessible, such as through a log file.

Example: Using “bicycle” in one instance and “bike” in another could lead to inconsistencies.

4. Timeliness

Without proper management, an article master file will quickly become outdated and contain incorrect information. It is advisable to appoint a person (typically the primary responsible party) who stays informed of developments and customs law jurisprudence. Establish procedures indicating who is responsible and how knowledge is maintained. This ensures the article master file remains current.

5. Justification of classification

In case of future disputes, it must be clear how the commodity code was determined. While many cases will not involve significant ambiguity, some will require a justified decision. Document why a specific commodity code was chosen. Refer to a binding tariff information (BTI) or internal dossier with more information if available. Regularly filter, sort, and check for duplicates or ambiguities to maintain uniformity.


Hoe houd ik mijn artikelstambestand up-to date?

Goederencodes kunnen het gehele jaar wijzigen. Eén keer per jaar – op 1 januari – vindt de formele wijziging plaats door middel van een wijziging in de “tabel van de rechten” uit de originele Verordening 2658-87 (GN). Het is dus zaak om minimaal één keer per jaar – na 1 januari – uw huidige artikelstambestand te controleren. Daarnaast vindt er halfjaarlijks – 1 juli – een informele wijziging/publicatie plaats. Wij adviseren om minimaal twee keer per jaar uw goederencodes te controleren en vast te stellen of er wijzigingen hebben plaatsgevonden.

Hoe stel ik een artikelstambestand op? Waar begin ik?

Een juiste basis is essentieel. Wij adviseren –  indien u nog niks heeft – om met een Excelbestand te beginnen. Zet in kolom 1 (A): Artikelnummer, kolom 2 (B) product omschrijving/benaming, kolom 3 (C) TARIC-code. Gebruik ook altijd een kolom met opmerkingen. Zet daar bijvoorbeeld aantekeningen in die gebruikt zijn bij het vaststellen van de code, maar ook verwijzingen naar de toelichting. Verder neemt u een kolom op waarin u aangeeft of er BTI’s zijn afgegeven voor bepaalde goederen. Op deze manier heeft u al een overzichtelijk artikelstambestand. Uiteraard kan een dergelijk bestand in de loop van de tijd uitgebreid worden met extra kolommen. Zorg ervoor dat inactieve of verlopen goederen niet worden opgenomen in de lijst. Dit Excel bestand vormt de basis. U kunt dit eventueel uploaden in uw ERP systeem

Ik heb een (verouderd) artikelstambestand en wil dit graag geupdate hebben. Wat kan ik doen?

Wij kunnen door middel van een – gratis – quickscan constateren of de goederencodes verlopen of verouderd zijn. Deze rapportage vormt het startpunt. Op basis van het foutpercentage geven wij u u een specifieke aanbeveling voor de meest passende oplossing voor uw organisatie.