Classification scan

In customs formalities, using the correct commodity code is essential. This code determines the amount of customs duty due, whether a tariff preference (reduced rate) applies and which formalities are required. For instance, an im- or export authorisation might be required or worse the goods are banned due to sanctions. However, determining the correct commodity code, is not always a simple task.

Do you have a quick question or need a solution?

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Would you like more certainty through legally substantiated classification advice? Then this is the solution for you.

With a classification scan, we conduct a quick scan of the commodity codes of your goods. This involves examining the information your company uses in this red, the classification process as a whole within your company, and the sources on which classification should be based (law, case law, tariff database, etc.). Additionally, for a limited number of goods, we assess whether the commodity codes are accurate. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are provided to ensure proper classification.

The time allocated for the quick scan is five hours. This includes a telephone consultation, reviewing the information, preparing a report, and, if necessary, providing a brief telephone explanation of the report. The scan is offered at a fee of EUR 1250.00.

If you would like to make use of the classification scan, please contact us (non-binding) at 0513-689897 or send an e-mail to

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