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As an importer or exporter, you may have already encountered this issue. You file a declaration, and at some point, customs informs you that the commodity code you used was incorrect. You should have used a different code and to top it all off, a higher rate apply to this code. Alternatively, you may find that an anti-dumping duty suddenly applies, additional import conditions are required, or an export authorization was necessary. In short, unforeseen circumstances that you are not waiting for.
To prevent such issues, you can apply for binding tariff information (BTI), which guarantees the commodity code for a period of three years. More information about applying for a BTI is available here.
Separate from the fact that in the situations mentioned above, an incorrect declaration has been filed, you will often also receive an invitation to pay (ITP). In this case, you are liable for additional customs duties, which in most cases cannot be passed on to your customers. Further details about an invitation to pay can be found here.