Commodity code

In customs formalities, using the correct commodity code is essential. This code determines the amount of customs duty due, whether a tariff preference (reduced rate) applies and which formalities are required. For instance, an im- or export authorisation might be required or worse the goods are banned due to sanctions. However, determining the correct commodity code, is not always a simple task.

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In customs formalities, using the correct commodity code is essential. This code determines the amount of customs duty due, whether a tariff preference (reduced rate) applies and which formalities are required. For instance, an im- or export authorisation might be required or worse the goods are banned due to sanctions. However, determining the correct commodity code, is not always a simple task.

The commodity code is often subject of debate when submitting a customs declaration. It is not uncommon the importer disagrees with the customs authorities on the declared commodity code. The commodity code is therefore frequently one of the elements examined during a physical inspection or a post-release control.

It is crucial to ensure that you are using the correct commodity code when submitting a customs declaration. If you are working with a representative, they must receive instructions from you for submitting the declaration. One of the key elements in those instructions is the commodity code.

To determine the correct code, you must possess all the necessary information regarding the to be declared goods. You are expected to determine the code yourself. It is advisable to thread carefully and gather as much information as possible about the goods beforehand. Consult colleagues within your organization who are familiar with the specifications. Or make us of the supplier’s expertise. The supplier typically has the most knowledge about how the goods are produced, what raw materials were used, and their capabilities and limitation.

Practical tips

1. Gathering information

Collect as much information as possible about the goods for which you are determining the commodity code. This could include details about composition, use, application and the industry in which the goods are used. If you are uncertain which information is needed for proper classification, feel free to contact us. We are happy to assist you.

2. Using the correct sources

To classify goods correctly, you must rely on the appropriate rules and sources. Identify in advance which sources are relevant for you. This could include the free tariff database provided by customs authorities, or subscription-based resources like In- en or Taric-support.

3. Article master file

In many cases, it is helpful to maintain a record of goods that you regularly import or export. This is referred to as an ‘article master file’. Such a file can be a simple Excel spreadsheet or integrated into your administrative systems. In this file, record the goods and their corresponding codes. Do you want to set up or improve an article master file? We are happy to assist you.


Bij een controle door de Douane wordt vastgesteld dat ik een verkeerde code heb gebruikt. De aangifte heb ik laten doen door een douane-expediteur. Wie is nu verantwoordelijk?

Tegenwoordig worden bijna alle aangiften gedaan met toepassing van een volmacht directe vertegenwoordiging (DV). Als u een dergelijke volmacht heeft afgegeven aan uw dienstverlener, bent u verantwoordelijk voor het doen van de aangifte en dus ook indien de aangifte niet goed is.

Ik stel vast dat voor de code die ik heb gebruikt een hoger percentage invoerrecht van toepassing is dan het percentage bij de code die achteraf juist blijkt te zijn. Kan ik hier iets aan doen?

Ja, in een normale situatie kunt u tot drie jaar na de datum van het doen van een aangifte een verzoek tot terugbetaling indienen. Het verschil in invoerrecht tussen de verkeerde code en de juiste code kan worden terugbetaald. Neem voor meer informatie over het indienen van een verzoek tot terugbetaling contact op met een van onze experts.