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Along with classification, the origin of a product determines the applicable customs duty rate. But when is a product considered to originate from a specific country? Is a simple processing step sufficient? Often, it is not! Depending on the country of origin or destination, specific and complex rules apply. We are happy to guide you through this maze of regulations to help determine the correct origin.
The subject of origin is most commonly associated with the question whether a lower customs duty applies.
The European Union has made agreements with various countries and regional groups to allow imports under favorable conditions. These agreements include tariff preference schemes, which enable goods to be released for free circulation at a lower customs duty rate. Such agreements are made by the European Union, not by individual member states like the Netherlands.
Free trade zones
The most comprehensive agreements establish so-called free trade zones. A free trade zone is characterized by the free movement of goods originating in the contracting parties, without simultaneously applying a common external tariff on goods from third countries.
Examples of free trade zones include the European Union itself, the European Economic Area, and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)
In addition, the European Union autonomously – without requiring a formal agreement – grants preferences to certain beneficiary countries. These preferences also apply to goods originating from those countries. The most significant arrangement is the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP), under which the European Union has agreements with many developing countries to apply reduced or even zero-duty rates for imports from those countries.
What makes it challenging?
If a cow is slaughtered in the United States, the meat is processed there, and the goods are then shipped to the Netherlands, the origin is straightforward. However, it becomes much more complicated in cases such as trousers manufactured in Indonesia by sewing and finishing pre-cut fabric pieces imported from South Korea. Do the trousers then originate from Indonesia or South Korea? Another example involves bicycles imported from China, which are subject to anti-dumping duties of several dozen percent. If these bicycles are assembled in India using parts from China, is the origin China or India?